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Personally I hate these things.  Its easy to say 10 units each week at 100 bucks a unit is a thousand dollars a week, etc. but they fail to consider overhead expenses such as insurance, phone bills, advertising, vehicle costs and more.  Still, we offer you a quick glance at some moderate numbers BEFORE expenses.  There are no typical expenses and they vary from location to location.

Potential Income Chart

Lower end rental rates:

1 Unit(s) X $75 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $7,800
2 Unit(s) X $75 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $15,600
3 Unit(s) X $75 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $23,400
4 Unit(s) X $75 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $31,200
5 Unit(s) X $75 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $39,000

Higher end rental rates:

1 Unit(s) X $150 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $15,600
2 Unit(s) X $150 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $31,200
3 Unit(s) X $150 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $46,800
4 Unit(s) X $150 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $62,400
5 Unit(s) X $150 per rental X 2 rentals per week X 52 weeks per year= $78,000

So, are you ready to run out and buy some units?  I would be remiss not to point out a few thing before you decide to go and spend your hard earned money, take out a loan, spend your kids college fund, or borrow from mom and dad.  I said I HATE these things.  I have to be brutally honest.

So, let me take the high end.  $78,000 per year.  Ok, if you live in a seasonal climate, take half of that.  Now you have $39,000 right?  Wrong.  You can take a good $4,500 OR MORE, out for insurance.  You have $34,500 left.  Still not too bad huh?  No, I'm not done yet.  Phone bills, marketing, cleaning supplies, transportation, gas and well, I'll stop there. An easy $5,000 at least.

So, now you are making $29,500 per year.  Not bad in some areas. Poverty in others.  Is this worth working your week ends, finding help which is always difficult, losing family time and more?  Wait, I don't want to scare you away, I haven't even mentioned paying taxes yet!  Still here?

My point in the drama is to show you that income charts are not fool proof.  Its nice to see the big numbers, but its all the little ones that break you down and suck up your earnings.  Yes, you can make some money.  No, you can't get rich quick.  This business takes a lot of dedication, time, persistence, education, training, safety and more.  All I want to say is this, take the time to thoroughly research every aspect of this business.  Look into each and every expense. Look into your heart which is what drives this industry.  Read, re-read, and read again everything in the forum you can.  Then, make a fully informed decision.


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