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The Moonwalk Forum is proud to bring our members the best the industry has to offer!

Who, what, where, when, why are all questions that need to be answered concerning marketing.  Freebies such as pens, mugs, goodie bags, and company impact such as polo shirts, business cards and graphics for brochures, vehicles or anything else you may need.  You'll find what you're looking for.  Find festivals, event contacts, website hosting solutions, design help and more.

http://www.designmajik.com/intro.html http://www.vistaprint.com/
Excellent work, not the cheapest, good price on brochures though.  Design is extra. You can get free cards, decent selection and good online lay-out design available.  Full color freebies too.
http://www.elbusa.com/promotional/elbflexmagnets/pindex.php?where=price http://www.topvalueprinting.com/index.htm
Decent prices, die cut magnets for the fridge, and deals on business card magnets too. Simple web site, nothing fancy, but great deals on carbonless forms for contracts, etc..
http://www.overnightprints.com http://gotprint.net/gotprint/welcome.do
24 hour turn around, great prices, good deals on post cards and brochures too. Online design tool, good prices on business cards and post cards, but thats about it.
http://www.wearables4u.com/ http://admagnets.com/
Polo's, t-shirts, duffle bags that they will screen print or embroider. Another decent place for your ad magnets. Nice and colorful, decent prices.
http://www.thelogocompany.net/ http://www.parcom.net/
If you need a good looking logo for your site, then they will design it for you. Plenty of choices and revisions. Very inexpensive web site hosting, with unlimited bandwidth and generous storage space.
http://www.fix-my-website.net/ http://festivalnet.com/index.html
If you website needs that extra little kick, they have it here. Good looking sites, good prices.  Hosting available too. Choose a state, a month, find out what's going on in your area.  great for pay to play operators.
http://lookup.melissadata.com/lookups/index.htm http://www.searchengineworld.com/cgi-bin/kwda.cgi
30 online databases allow you to look up area codes in a county, IP addresses, schools and more. Searches are based on keywords, this tool analyzes yours and type in your competitions too.
http://www.wordtracker.com http://www.sitemeter.com
Another great keyword tracker for your site.  find out what works the best. How many hits, good counter, where did they come from, how long did they stay, great free service.
http://www.futurememories.com/index.html http://www.web-stats.com
Bowls, mugs, magnets, image branded items for freebies to your valued customers. A lot of good resources for your web site for tracking all of the different stats.
http://www.statcounter.com http://www.hueinteractive.com
Watch your visitors in real time, learn what they look at most often, target what you need to change.  Free. Great graphics designer that comes highly recommended from numerous members on the forum.

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If you know of a great site, please share it with us all.  Suggest a link right here!

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